Monday, February 22, 2010

A Fun Gadget For Kids - The Backyard Safari Bug Vacuum

As a father of two young youths, we are always seeking fun gadgets to play with. Our most favorite fun gadget ever is the Backyard Safari Bug Vacuum. This toy captures bugs through the use of a battery operated gun-style vacuum. The insects are sucked into a clear plastic capsule that is complete with a magnifying glass for viewing.

The Summer Of The Insect Adventure

In total honesty, we played with this fun gadget the entire summer. We caught every tiny insect that we could capture. The vacuum is powerful enough to suck most insects directly into the attached holding capsule, yet it isn't strong enough to injure the insects. The holding capsule is complete with a magnifying glass and a flip bottom so that the insects can be easily viewed and released once the observation is complete.

A Complete World Of Fun Gadgets For Insect Observations

Backyard Safari has created supplemental fun gadget that work with the bug vacuum. The bug habitat is large enough to accommodate a number of insects. However you want to insure that you do not combine insects that consume one another or you will have an entirely different observation within moments.

If your child enjoys long walks while bug collecting, there are pocket size bug habitats that your child can attach to a backpack or belt loop. These tiny pocket watch shaped habitats provide the perfect environment for a short-term guest. There are two different designs, one design is intended for any type of bug and the other is designed specifically as an ant habitat.

The Backyard Safari Bug Vacuum is a fun gadget for any boy or girl. I must admit, as fun gadgets go, this also makes a great spider catcher inside the house as well and would be a hit with many moms.

Visit our site to learn more about bugs control and find out more about bug catcher.

73 Trans Am - Pontiac's Screaming Chicken and Its Shaker Scoop

The screaming chicken got its name from the bird that is on the hood of the Trans Ams. Each color of car had a special black bird with flames that matched: Cameo White cars had a bird with blue flames, Brewster Green had green flames and the Buccaneer Red cars had a red/orange flames.

The weird thing about the "screaming chicken" is that it's not a chicken at all, but rather it's a "firebird!" It does look like it's screaming (you would be too if you were going up in flames) though.

The Famous Trans Am Shaker Scoop

The "shaker scoop" was the name given to the 'reverse bug catcher' that stuck out of the middle of the hood. The reason it is a "shaker" scoop is because it shakes with the engine. Every time you goose the engine, she rocks left to right like it's going to tear the engine mounts right off.

If you had a real Super Duty engine, the shaker scoop had the SD-455 emblem in most cases. A few had "455" only on the scoop, even though they were SD engines according to an original SD 455 owner who reported this to me.

In some of the early birds, the shaker scoop was a functional air intake source. It was vacuum operated with a solenoid that would open the rear flap under hard acceleration to allow more air in. 73 marked the first year the solenoid was removed and the flap was screwed on. Let's face, it just looked cool but didn't add any real performance.

What Color Is Your Bird?

If you wanted a 73 TA, you could have it in any color as long as it was Cameo White, Brewster Green or Buccaneer Red. For me, green was a bit dull and the red had too much orange in it.

The Cameo White car, Blue Firebird on the hood and Black interior was by far the best color combination for 1973.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Fruit Flies With A Homemade Fruit Fly Trap

Anyone who has ever left a few bananas sitting out or forgotten to change their garbage knows all too well the problem with fruit flies. It seems that once they've invaded your kitchen, you can't get rid of them. You can scrub, clean, remove tempting fruit and spray the garbage can with disinfectants, but they always come back. You can't help but cringe just looking at them.

We have always had problems with fruit flies, with one of the main reasons being that we live in an apartment and by law - must recycle. Because of where we live, we have to keep our recycling containers inside until they can be disposed of once a week. If the recyclables aren't cleaned well enough after being used, they make a perfect breeding ground for fruit flies. They love bits of rotting food remnants and seem to thrive in even the smallest amount. When fruit flies move in, they just don't want to leave and will lay eggs in and on anything they can find - fruits & vegetables left on the counter, sink drains, garbage disposals, empty bottles & cans, garbage bags, and even mops and rags.

A Few Fun Facts About Fruit Flies:

- Can lay up to 500 eggs at a time

- Their entire lifecycle is complete in about a week

- While considered mainly a pest, they have the potential to contaminate food with dangerous bacteria

We all know that removing the food, getting rid of the garbage & cleaning up plays a big role, but we also know what it's like to move a piece of fruit and have a swarm of fruit flies fill the air only to escape your attempts at killing them. Where are they gonna go? Obviously the ones flying around can't be easily captured or killed, so they'll linger about until they find some other place to lay eggs and the whole cycle starts again.

In all my attempts, I found the best way to capture and remove the ones that escape is to create a simple trap using a jar, plastic wrap and a piece of food. Here's how it works:

1. Get a small jar you don't plan on using again ( like a baby food jar or something similar ) and wash it out well. Make sure it is not a jar with a funky smell such as a used pickle jar or anything that use to have strong spices. You want a clean, odorless jar.

2. Take a chunk of banana and place inside the jar. This is why you want a clean, odorless jar - so that the banana smell won't be overpowered by other not-so-tempting smells. Banana seems to work the best, but you can experiment.

3. Fit a piece of plastic wrap over the top of the jar, making sure that it fits tight and well sealed around the edges. Then take a pen or pencil and poke 4 to 5 holes in the plastic, just big enough for a fruit fly to fit into. Once a fruit fly crawls in, it can't get out. You would think they would just fly back out through the holes, but they won't!

4. Place the jar in an area where you have seen the most fruit flies. Depending on the amount of fruit flies you have, you can expect to start seeing the jar fill up within just a few hours. After 24 hours, you will discover just how bad your fruit fly problem is!

This simple, inexpensive & safe method works perfectly and if you don't want the jar on public display, you can always slip it behind the garbage can, in the cupboard or even under the sink (Just don't forget about it!). You will want to empty the jar every 3-4 days before any eggs have a chance to hatch. While adult fruit flies can't easily escape through the holes, their maggots can very easily, and besides that - they are disgusting to see crawling around in the jar. You don't want to see these things crawling on your counter!

Cleaning out the jar shouldn't be a problem. If you have a kind heart, you can choose to let them go outside. Personally, I spray the little buggers with bug spray, wash out the jar and start the whole process over again if I think there are still some fruit flies left to capture.

Visit our site to learn more about bugs control and find out more about bug catcher.

Activities For Dad (or Mum) And Child

Spending some quality time with your child or children is invaluable when they are young, although it is not always easy to come up with fresh ideas on activities to keep both you and them occupied. We have tried to provide some ideas below on activities to do inside and outside the home. These are aimed at children under the age of 5, although the list is by no means exhaustive:

Indoor Activities

Art and Craft

While this is not suitable for very young children, as your child gets older and their concentration grows, they will love to experiment creatively. Such activities can range from simple drawing and colouring, to modelling with clay or plastercine, and there are a great variety of modelling kits available which come with all sorts of cutters and moulding implements. Painting is another option which is great for teaching your child about mixing colours and is versatile in its uses (e.g. finger painting, printing with hands, feet, leaves etc., blowing paint onto paper through straws, decorating pots, boxes etc.). In addition, your child will love gluing and sticking, whether making a picture (e.g. with glitter, sweet wrappers, old XMas/birthday cards) or building your own creations out of recycling waste (e.g. cardboard, cartons, newspaper, toilet rolls etc). Click here for some ideas on things to make. The great thing is that these are all relatively inexpensive activities, although some, if not all will be messy so it is important to prepare your surroundings and use appropriate aprons or tabards to protect your child's clothing.


Children love to cook, whether it be just helping or watching you, or getting more involved depending on how brave you are feeling! There is no need to make anything longwinded or complicated as your child's attention span will still be fairly short. Biscuits or cakes are a good starter and there are no end of cookery books and online recipes to show you how to make them. Alternatively, most supermarkets sell a range of ready-made packet mixes which are very easy and quick to prepare. The chances are that they may not look the most attractive or edible of creations once your child has given a helping hand, but you'll still have fun eating them!


Simple board, card or dice games can be great fun for you and your child to play, and although your child may not fully understand the aims or instructions, they can pick up some useful basic skills such as counting, hand-eye coordination, analysing options and taking turns. There are plenty of reasonably priced games to choose from nowadays, but it is best to go for ones which are short in duration and have sturdy components that will last. Most suitable for this age group are games which test memory, matching and sorting skills, reaction skills and mental/physical skills. Also don't forget simple jigsaw puzzles.


There is no simpler 'quiet-time' activity that you can do indoors than read to or with your child. Reading is so important for your child's development and can never start from too early an age. If your child is very young they will love simply flicking through pages and pictures, and a number of board books are available which are easy for babies and young children to manage. For older children there are simply hundreds of story books and educational books to cater for every age, taste and interest, and while your child may be too young to be able to read the books themselves, they will pick up valuable understanding about words and sounds from listening to you read. If you cannot afford a large range of books, visiting your local library is a great alternative.

Outdoor Activities


Most areas will have some form of public exhibition of live aquatic plants and animals (e.g. Blue Reef Aquariums or Sea Life Centres etc). These can be very restful places for a young child, and the multiple colours, shapes and movements of creatures in the tanks will be very captivating for them, not to mention educational. Dependent on the location, there is normally an entrance fee for those above a certain age (usually 3 years), although some places offer an annual membership which allows unlimited entrance and is usually very cost-effective compared to pay-as-you-go admission rates. Please click here for a list of aquariums and sealife centres.


Although not suitable for very small children, these are definitely worthwhile experiences for your child as soon as they become more communicative and interactive. There are plenty of films to see at the cinema although it is important to ensure that the film is suitable for your child's age group, as anything even remotely frightening or violent will have much more of an impact on the big screen. Most films normally last for about 1.5 to 2 hours which may outrun your child's attention span, so be prepared to miss the ending! Look out for offers at certain cinema chains for cheap admission rates for children at weekends.

With regard to theatres, there are a good number of shows which are aimed specifically at children, including sing-along performances, comedy acts and pantomimes, and also stage productions of their favourite television shows. The great thing is that you can usually book well in advance of the show, and early reservation will allow you a better choice of seat. However, theatre bookings are normally quite pricey and the shows can be long, although they do usually break for an interval. In addition, dependent on the position of your seats the performance may be difficult to see or hear, and particularly if you find yourselves surrounded by other children.


If your child is not old enough to cycle on their own then they can be carried along in a suitable child seat or trailer (for added comfort) on the back of your bike. Once they get their first bike and stabilisers then taking them to a nearby park is a fun way of teaching them to cycle. When they become more confident on their bike then may like to go out cycling with you. It is worth taking the time to look for cycle tracks and cycle paths that are safe and free from traffic, and it is important to ensure that both of you are wearing a properly fitting cycle helmet, along with some form of reflective gear if visibility or light is poor.


Teaching your child to be green-figured can be great fun. Starting out, your child will most likely be happy with simply a bucket of soil and a trowel, although as they get older and more adventurous vegetable seeds are a great option and are very easy to get growing. Not only do children get the satisfaction of nurturing their own plants, they (hopefully!) will get to eat any produce they make. Also if they manage to grow their own flowers, they make a great present for Mum. When doing gardening look out for bugs which will almost certainly keep your child entertained. Regular bug hunts with a magnifying glass and bug catcher (margarine or yoghurt pot!) are a definite hit with our own children.


This is a great activity for a windy day, but needs to be done in a wide open area. Kites range in price from a few pounds to a few hundred pounds, or if you are feeling adventurous you may like to make your own - click here for a great site detailing designs. Also, look out for kite exhibitions where enthusiasts show off their kite creations - anything from well known characters to huge fish and dragons, which will certainly capture your child's interest and imagination.


Trips to the local library can be done any day of the week and they often run book clubs and other activities for children of all ages for free. Not only that but they are a great source of reading material for children's thirst for new stories and you are normally able to take ~20 books per child, which will provide great bedtime reading fodder. You will of course need to join your child to a local library, but this generally only requires filling in a quick form and providing proof of identity.


These may not immediately appear as the best place to take a child, however museums are becoming much more interactive in an attempt to appeal more to both children and adults. You will often find an array of buttons, lights and more hands-on experiences to keep children occupied....and you never know, your child may learn something in the process!


Taking your child to the local park is great for letting them have a runaround, and not only is it free, but there is plenty of open space to avoid crowds. This makes them ideal places for having a kick around with a football or playing bat and ball, which is very useful if you do not have a big garden. Most parks also have their own children's facilities such as swings, slides and roundabouts. Alternatively, you may like simply to take your child exploring for wildlife in nearby woods - children love collecting leaves, pine cones or similar that they can show their friends at nursery. If it's a particularly rainy day your child may simply love nothing better than puddle jumping, but not before dressing up in waterproofs and wellies!


If you are lucky enough to live near the sea or go to the seaside on holiday, there are several activities beyond just paddling and sand castle building to keep yourself and your child amused. Rock pooling requires only a bucket (or a net if you want to catch fish) and some appropriate footwear. It is however important that everything is returned to where it came from, including rocks and stones. Another idea is crab fishing, which is a great activity once the weather gets warm enough to sit out, and of course if you have somewhere nearby to go crabbing. All you need is a cheap bucket, a crab line, and some bait - bacon scraps usually work fairly well or alternatively any odd bits of fish. Not only are both these activities great fun, but your child will also benefit educationally by being able to study creatures close up and learn about their natural habitats. Persuading your child to release their catch back into the water is the hard part, as they will no doubt want to keep them as pets! When visiting a beach it is important to follow safety guidelines and respect the natural surroundings, we would also recommend visiting Blue Flag listed beaches as they are regarded as being the safest and cleanest, and generally have good facilities for families.

Soft Play Areas

Indoor play areas come in all shapes and sizes, and are usually found either as part of a hotel/pub/leisure centre or as a separate entity. The great thing about these places is that they usually have designated areas to cater for very young children as well as toddlers and older children, and the fact that the whole area is soft and padded means there is little risk of any serious injuries through play. It is ideal for allowing your child to work off a bit of excess energy without having to be outside, which is a bonus when all it does is rain! There are also usually eating, drinking, and baby facilities available, and regular toddler or baby mornings are often held which may include reduced admission rates or a free drink etc. During holiday times or busy periods, play may be restricted to an hour or so only.


Even if your child is not an accomplished swimmer they will almost certainly love the opportunity to splash around in a local pool - it is a good way of introducing your child to water, but it will require total supervision and support from you at all times. Arm bands and floats are an essential purchase for children that can't swim and will boost their confidence in learning to swim properly. A child's liking for water and ability to swim will open up a whole range of water sport activities as they get older. There are a range of pools available - open air, indoor, lido, and activity pools to suit all tastes. Please click here to find your nearest swimming pool.