If you travel for long enough you will catch something. While the majority of travellers overseas will suffer nothing more than traveller's diarrhoea an unlucky few may end up with something more serious and it's not just the tropics that has a monopoly on exotic diseases. These 5 diseases are not as common as the serious threats of malaria and dengue fever, but are out there.
5. African Eye Worm
Caused by the bite of the large Chrysops fly, the first sign you are infected is the uneasy sight of the small worm crawling across the surface of your eye. The infection is usually caused by swimming in shaded African lakes/pools where this beasty fly likes to bite. Cure is via painful injections. Try to avoid swimming anywhere in Africa!
4. Weils Disease (or rat catcher's yellows)
Thinking of doing some canoeing or kayaking in an English river? Maybe think twice. Many otherwise picturesque English rivers can be spoiled by large amounts of rat urine. This means unsuspecting swimmers (perhaps falling out of a kayak) are susceptible to Weil's disease, caused by the bacteria in the rat's business. The consequences can be kidney failure and life on dialysis, even from just a short time in the water.
3. Lassa Fever
A disease endemic to West Africa Lassa fever is thought to cause 5,000 deaths per year in the region. While in 80% of infections symptoms can be minor, the other 20% can suffer horrendous fever, swelling and seizures. Infection is thought to be through contact with a rat calling the sub-Saharan region of Africa home. Treatment is through serious drugs and there is no guarantee of cure. Many travellers fear this disease when heading to West Africa, yet malaria and other nasties are usually more of a risk.
2. Leishmaniasis
Found in parts of the tropics, subtropics and southern Europe, this is a parasitic disease that you can catch via the bite of an infected sand fly. This disease is fairly common and effects up to 2 million people per year. The disease causes skin lesions that can end up looking like the top of a volcano (Google image search if you dare). The disease is not fatal and even without treatment will eventually go away, though it can leave horrid scars. The best prevention is not to get bitten by sandflies.
1. Changas
Another parasitic disease, this nasty is contracted via the bite of the blood sucking triatomine bug. This bug is most commonly found living in huts made from mud, adobe, straw or palm thatch in poverty stricken areas of Latin America. At night the bugs emerge to gorge on people's faces then the bug proceeds to defecate on the poor person in question. It's the ingestion of the bug's faeces that causes the infection (through breaks in the skin or the eyes). Millions in Latin America are affected by this disease. The disease can end up chronic lifelong affliction and is often life threatening. Travellers can try and avoid sleeping in the type of dwelling mentioned and always try to prevent bites via netting and serious bug spray.
Bites from mossies of course cause other serious and common infections like malaria and dengue fever which all travellers to infected areas should be prepared for. These diseases are less common but have the potential to effect more than your holiday.
Visit our site to learn more about bugs control and find out more about bug catcher.
Christmas Gifts - Redneck Specialty Christmas Gifts
Rednecks are part of the local establishment, from the Sheriff Jim with the longhorn hood ornament on his Chevy Blazer to the Mayor's two tone cow truck that carries her around town, Rednecks blaze a trail in the local community. But until you've had a truly fashionable redneck Christmas, you just really have not celebrated. Part of that celebration includes original trendy redneck gifts.
Redneck bubble bath -
A handful of pinto beans in a plastic baggie tied with a piece of red cord not only decorates the tree, but serves as an impromptu gift for those elegant ladies who come to visit over the holidays. Everyone could use a good bubble bath!
Redneck coat hanger -
After deer hunting season a nice rack of horns doesn't have much to do 'cept hang around, so if you mount 'em on a nice wood plaque and hang 'em on the wall, they make a beautiful coat hanger. Shoot two and have an extra gift to give.
Redneck hood ornament -
Nobody really likes those hood ornaments that come on the old Ford truck, so give that buddy a new ornament. A pair of long horns, or a set of antlers works better than a silver bug catcher.
Redneck bed frame -
Often recognized as the perfect gift for newlyweds, this awesome gift of love gets their buns up off the floor. Give 'em 4 family size soup cans and four long boards to frame the bed and you've got the handiest dandy bed frame in the south (and room enough for ole Beau to crawl under on those cold nights).
Redneck bun warmer -
For that prized two holer in the back yard, every redneck wants a pair of bun warmers and the craftiest among you will be able to figure out how to cover two toilet seats with flannel and solve the problem. Flannel is much nicer to sit on when the snow flies on those cold winter mornings.
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